The ideal time to take this exam is shortly after your Step 2 examination. The two exams are remarkably similar in terms of questions, and taking it sooner makes revision easier.
The exam is very similar to Step 2 and involves a little bit of Step 1.
I recommend starting your prep by revising your step 2 notes as the exam is majorly based on that.
Important step 1 topics:
Microbiology: Might get a couple on questions asking you positive/negative sense OR ss/ds RNA viruses. Do not usually get bacterial toxins so its okay to skip toxin mechanism of action.
Pharmacology: Systemic Pharmacology drugs with their MOA spl. Neuro/Psych Drugs. Can skip general pharmacology.
Biochemistry: Important disorders like Carbohydrate/ Protein metabolism disorders.
Immunodeficiency Disorders
Genetic Disorders
Vitamins and minerals
CCS Cases: Please master them properly as they are very high scoring. I recommend avoiding Uworld CCS Cases and instead using CCScases.com. You can also refer to the CCS Cases notes on the dashboard to supplement your preparation.
Uworld Step 3: I do not recommend investing in Uworld Qbank for step 3 as it isn't beneficial and is a waste of time. Additional knowledge for step 3 isn't necessary beyond the ccs cases. Despite receiving similar advice, I chose to purchase it. Reflecting on my experience, I fully support the advice I initially received. I would only suggest using it if a significant amount of time has passed since your step 2 exam and you need to familiarize yourself with questions again.